

Enjoy the little things

Hoy es viernes y yo me la he tomado muy tranquila... Después de una semana con varios eventos por la noche, con desperfectos en mi auto y trabajo, decidí tomarme este viernes muy tranquila... Como siempre tuve mi reunión por la mañana y ahora es momento de escribir y pensar las cosas lindas que me dejo esta semana... 
Today is Friday and I've taken this day on a easy way... After a week with many evening events, with my damaged car and work, I decided to take this Friday very quiet... As always I had my meeting with the ladies in the morning and now it's time to write and think about the beautiful things this week left me...

 {El ultimo trimestre del año ha iniciado, y yo me emociono de pensar en las fiestas, llenas de amor, familia y momento de decorar, este año he decidido que los colores que decoraran mi ultimo trimestre del año seran estos, dorados y turquesa, que les parece? / The last quarter of the year has begun, and I get excited thinking about the holidays, full of love, family and time to decorate is here, this year I decided that the colors that decorate my last quarter of the year will be these, gold and turquoise, what do you think?}

{Un delicioso y diminuto pie de limón, versión bebe, era tan lindo que me costo comerlo, sin embargo, estaba delicioso... / A delicious and tiny lemon pie, baby version, it was so cute that I didn't wanted to eat it, however, it was delicious...}

{Mi esposo dando clase de origami, ahora hablare de mi amado esposo, uno de sus pasatiempos y talentos es que es un gran maestro y artista del origami, y me encanta verlo hacer lo que le gusta, mas si es con niños... / My hubby teaching origami, now I´ll talk about my beloved husband, one of his hobbies and talents is that he's a great teacher and origami artist, and I love to see him doing what he like, and if it's with children even more...}

Que tengan un bello fin de semana...
Have a great weekend...

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