Las escencias desempeñan un papel integral en nuestra vida, y por eso me rodeo de cosas bonitas que huelen bien en mi casa. Tiendo rotar entre varios perfumes, pero siempre me siento atraída a los que son citricos. Es una manera sutil de hacer una declaración y me encanta que la gente me asocie con un cierto aroma (como mandarina o té verde).
Un perfume debe ser el reflejo de la personalidad de quien lo lleva puesto. En el momento de elegirlo, deberás tener en cuenta algunos aspectos importantes para que tu nueva fragancia sea realmente la indicada para ti.
Las notas de un perfume son cada uno de sus componentes. Algunas se encuentran en mayor cantidad y se llaman notas de cabecera y luego comienzan a sentirse otros aromas más leves. Según la concentración de sus notas, los perfumes pueden clasificarse en:
Florales: se elaboran con extractos de las flores, como por ejemplo el jazmín, violetas, narcisos, rosa, lilas, entre otras. Son atractivos y sensuales.
Cítricos: se fabrican con extractos cítricos tanto de las flores como de los cítricos. Se utilizan el limón, la naranja, la mandarina, etc. Son ligeros y más frescos.
Orientales: se componen de flores silvestres, extractos de la madera, y especias. Por ejemplo, se utiliza el sándalo, el almizcle, el pachuli, la vainilla y la canela. Son sensuales y provocadores
Úsalo en las áreas del cuerpo donde los latidos del corazón sean intensos. Las zonas en las que se debe poner el perfume son: muñecas, sienes, busto, tobillos y detrás de las orejas.
Aquí están algunos de los demás perfumes que amo. / Here are a few of the other products that I love.
Scent plays an integral role in our lives, which is why I surround
myself with lovely smelling things in my home. I tend to rotate between
several perfumes, but always find myself drawn to ones that are light
and citrus. It's such a subtle way to make a statement and I love that
people associate me with a certain scent (like tangerine or green tea).
A perfume should be a reflection of the personality of the wearer. When you choose, you should consider some important aspects, so your new fragrance is really the one for you.
The notes of a perfume are each of its components. Some are found in greater numbers and are called header notes and then begin to feel other milder flavors. Depending on the concentration of its notes, perfumes can be classified into:
Floral: are made with extracts of flowers such as jasmine, violets, daffodils, pink, lilac, and others. They are attractive and sensual.
Citrus: Citrus extracts are manufactured with both flowers and citrus. Lemon, orange, tangerine, etc. Are light and fresh.
Oriental: are composed of wild flowers, extracts of wood, and spices. For example, sandalwood, musk, patchouli, vanilla and cinnamon. They are sensual and provocative
You can wear your perfume on areas of the body where heartbeats are intense. The areas to be put are: wrists, temples, bust, ankles and earlobes.
The notes of a perfume are each of its components. Some are found in greater numbers and are called header notes and then begin to feel other milder flavors. Depending on the concentration of its notes, perfumes can be classified into:
Floral: are made with extracts of flowers such as jasmine, violets, daffodils, pink, lilac, and others. They are attractive and sensual.
Citrus: Citrus extracts are manufactured with both flowers and citrus. Lemon, orange, tangerine, etc. Are light and fresh.
Oriental: are composed of wild flowers, extracts of wood, and spices. For example, sandalwood, musk, patchouli, vanilla and cinnamon. They are sensual and provocative
You can wear your perfume on areas of the body where heartbeats are intense. The areas to be put are: wrists, temples, bust, ankles and earlobes.
¿Cómo agregas fragancia a tu vida y cuáles son tus favoritos?
How do you add fragrance to you life and which are your favorites?
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