{Desde que me mude a Antigua Guatemala, esta es mi nueva obsesion, me encantan las flores que puedo comprar por aqui... Llenas de color... / Since I moved to Antigua Guatemala, this is my new obsession, I love all the flowers I can buy around here... So colorful...}
{Mi jugo de esta semana, esperen pronto la receta, les va a encantar, no solo su color sino su sabor... / My juice this week, stay tuned to the recipe, you will love not only its color but its flavor...}
{Una pequeña caja de chocolates que me alegraron una de tantas noches esta semana... Comerlos antes de ir a la cama es tan reconfortante... / A small box of chocolates that cheered me one of many nights this week... Eat these before going to bed is so comforting...}
Feliz fin de semana...
Have a nice weekend...
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