{Desde que me mude a Antigua Guatemala, esta es mi nueva obsesion, me encantan las flores que puedo comprar por aqui... Llenas de color... / Since I moved to Antigua Guatemala, this is my new obsession, I love all the flowers I can buy around here... So colorful...}
{Dos veces en Revista ES, wow, no me lo esperaba, es decir, solo sabia de mi articulo (puedes leerlo dando click aqui), mas no de la aparicion en la pagina de Sociales... / Twice featuring in ES Magazine, wow, did not expect it, I only knew about my article (you can read it here), but not the appearance on the Social section...}
{Mi jugo de esta semana, esperen pronto la receta, les va a encantar, no solo su color sino su sabor... / My juice this week, stay tuned to the recipe, you will love not only its color but its flavor...}
{Una pequeña caja de chocolates que me alegraron una de tantas noches esta semana... Comerlos antes de ir a la cama es tan reconfortante... / A small box of chocolates that cheered me one of many nights this week... Eat these before going to bed is so comforting...}
Feliz fin de semana...
Have a nice weekend...
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