

August movies

{Esta pelicula la fui a ver hace varios años al cine. La verdad es que si te gusta leer la Biblia te va a gustar y vas a poder comprender el tiempo y el esapcio en la que se desarrolla, de lo contrario, la encontraras muy aburrida... / I went to see This movie several years ago. The truth is that if you like to read the Bible you will like it and you will be able to understand the time and space in which it develops, otherwise, you'll find it very boring...}

{Fue en esta película que vi por primera vez los ojos ahumados, Meg Ryan los llevaba tan bien, y es una de esas películas románticas que se hicieron un clásico, es divertida, llena de pasión por vivir enamorado. Y el lado malo de ella es muy simpático. / It was in this film when I saw smoky eyes for the first time, Meg Ryan wore them so well, and is one of those romantic movies that became a classic, it's fun, full of passion for being in love. And the bad side of her is pretty cool.}

{Encontré esta película por accidente, me quede viéndola por que reúne varios actores que considero son buenos, y la verdad que bueno que me tope con ella ya que me encanto. La trama es familiar, es una trama muy realista, es algo que yo en mi vida experimento mucho, mis hermanas y yo solemos ocultar cosas a mi papa para no decepcionarlo o no preocuparlo, no se porque los hijos hacemos esto, pero lo cierto es que ellos siempre saben todo, incluso lo que no decimos, por eso son nuestros padres, ellos nos conocen mejor que nadie. Esta pelicula la recomiendo y mucho... / I found this movie by accident, I stayed watching it because it meets several actors that I think are good, and I'm glad that I ran into it because I loved it. The plot is familiar, is a very realistic plot, is something I experiment a lot in my life, my sisters and I usually hide things from my dad to not disappoint him or not to worry him, why do we do this?, the truth is that they always know everything, even what we don't say, that's why they're our parents, they know us better than anyone. I recommend this movie a lot....}

{An award-winning film Oscar and must have seen it, so just say it's one of our favorites with my husband, we see her whenever you can and enjoy. I remember the first time I saw it was a movie too sielnciosa and Pasica for me, but still quickly became one of my favorites. / You must have seen it this award-winning film Oscar, so I'll just say it's one of our favorites with my hubby, we watch it whenever we can and we enjoy it. I remember the first time I saw it, I thought it was a too silence movie for me, but still it quickly became one of my favorites.}

Tienen recomendaciones para septiembre???
Do you have any recomendations for september???

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