

Enjoy the little things

{Hace exactamente una semana celebrábamos la despedida de soltera de una de mis mejores amigas de toda la vida... disfrute tanto volver a verla, compartir etc... No cabe duda que las mejores siempre permaneces... / Exactly a week ago we celebrated the bachelorette party of one of my best friends of my whole life... I really enjoy seeing her again, sharing with all the girls there, etc... There´s no doubt the best always remain...}

{Que mas tierno podría ser esto?... Dios, no pude evitar sacarle uan foto a estas ternuras... /  How cute are these...? OMG, I couldn't get out without a photo of this cuteness...}

{Flores, el paraiso... / Flowers, paradise...} 

 {Si vieron mi instagram (petitdi) ayer, vieron al festín de color y dulzura al que asistí, el colegio de mi peque celebro su aniversario a lo grande... la pase super bien, me divertí como niña... /  If you saw my instagram (petitdi) photos yesterday, you saw the feast of color and sweetness I attended, my litte girl school celebrated its anniversary in a huge way... I had a great time, I had fun as a child...}

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